Why is it Called Rubbish?
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Rubbish is a very strong word that God uses when He is trying to tell us something. It is used in the Bible to mean garbage, dung, filth, worthless trash, sewer waste and dog dung.

The word is a combination of the French words roubique and gâche. That’s why to hire rubbish removal Birmingham. It came into English in the Middle Ages through medieval Anglo-French cookery books.

Why is it called rubbish?

Historically, rubbish was more akin to dung than to garbage, but it is also used in modern English as a general term for junk.

Garbage is a very strong word that God uses to make a point, but it was a bit of a different meaning before it became the word we know and use today.

In America, garbage is a word for waste food, but in England it is more generally used to mean anything that people throw away.

Worldwide Garbage Patches

The garbage vortexes are becoming more common across the globe as countries and shipping routes dump waste into the oceans. They are not only dangerous to humans and the environment, but they can also contaminate drinking water.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a giant vortex of plastic in the ocean that is entangling marine life. It also absorbs and leaches chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment.

Charles Moore, the man who discovered the garbage patch in 1997, has said that cleaning up the vortex would “bankrupt any country.”