What Is Clipping and Why Should It Be Avoided?
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What is clipping?

Clipping is a form of distortion that occurs in audio when the levels of a signal exceed their normal range. This can make it sound distorted and unnatural, so audio engineers recommend paying attention to it when recording or mixing music.

Why Should It Be Avoided?

During the recording process, it’s important to watch for audio clipping because it can damage the sound quality and cause issues with equipment like speakers’ professional clipping path service. However, you can fix clipping by using limiters, compressors, and other effects to increase the volume of a song without damaging it.

In photography, it’s also important to clipping in your highlights and shadows. This can happen if you overexpose your image or if your camera is set to the wrong exposure level.

The best way to avoid clipping is to use a histogram to check your exposure. Look at the far right of your histogram box; if there’s a lot of pixels pressed against its edge, you may have overexposed the area in question.

You can also try adjusting your exposure during post-processing, but it’s important to understand that this can be very arbitrary and you don’t need to edit your photos as much as you might think. The key is to keep your highlights and shadows relatively balanced, and you’ll be fine! You can also avoid clipping by taking a more hands-off approach with your photo-taking and editing.