should i go heavy on hammer curls 279
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The hammer curl is an excellent exercise for building the biceps, a muscle in the front part of the body. It works the long head of the biceps, which contracts during the exercise. It is essential to control the shoulder movement and avoid swinging the arms when doing hammer curls. To get the most benefit from hammer curls, perform them seated on a bench.

Should I Go Heavy On Hammer Curls?

Hammer curls can be modified to your specific fitness level, goals, and preferences. You should perform them with two or three sets of ten to twelve reps hammer curls workout. It is also essential to use the proper form. Your legs should be hip-width apart, and your palms should face inward. You should use both hands for the movement and try not to keep your elbows too far away from your body.

Should I go heavy on hammer curls

Hammer curls are great for building larger arms because they target both the biceps and the brachialis. They also improve wrist stability and strengthen the grip, allowing you to lift heavier weights in compound moves.

Hammer curls are not separate exercises; instead, they are variations of the regular bicep curl. In addition to the biceps, hammer curls also target the brachialis, deep in the arm.

Hammer curls require a small range of motion, so it’s easy to rush through the exercises and use quick movements during the lowering phase. To avoid this problem, it’s best to slow down during the upward and lowering phases. Slow movements add more challenge and control to the exercises.