osteopathy how can it help you
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Osteopaths use their hands to treat your body in a range of ways, using a combination of gentle and forceful techniques that aim to reduce pain, improve movement and encourage blood flow. They work to restore normal function and stability of your joints, allowing the body to heal itself.

Unlike sports massage, which is not a protected name in the UK, osteopaths are trained to assess your body, make valid connections and apply this detailed knowledge in order to address your aches and pains.

Is osteopathy like a massage?

Your osteopathic treatment is based on the principle that every structure in your body supports Beckenham Osteopathy the function of the whole. This means that when one part is out of balance or in distress, the whole of your body is affected.

Some common causes of aches and pains that are treated by osteopaths include general aches (such as backache from carrying a bag to school), pregnancy-related muscle or joint pain, or sports injuries. They also treat sciatica, or shooting pain down your legs, which can be caused by a disc bulge or herniation.

If you are pregnant and experience muscle or joint pain, it is important to see an osteopath who specialises in these issues. This is so that the right approach can be taken to relieve your symptoms and make you feel more comfortable throughout your pregnancy.

Some osteopaths will recommend a series of appointments to help you improve your body mechanics and prevent any future injuries. This is not essential, but it can be useful if you want to keep your body in good condition and avoid pains and aches.