Do Eggs Help a Dogs Upset Stomach
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As dog owners, many of us are inclined to give our pets treats such as licks from an ice cream cone or a bite or two of cheese. While these dairy products can be healthy in moderation for dogs, milk is not a great beverage for them. In fact, it is not recommended that dogs drink milk because it is high in both fat and natural sugars. Both of these can lead to obesity and pancreatitis, which are serious health conditions that can significantly reduce your dog’s quality of life.

Can Dogs Drink Milk?

Generally speaking, most dogs can handle dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt in small quantities. The key is to monitor your dog after they consume dairy products. If they exhibit signs of lactose intolerance, such as gastric upset or diarrhea, they should not be given milk again. learn more

Lactose intolerance occurs when a dog’s body does not produce enough of the enzyme lactase to break down the sugars in milk. Puppies naturally have an abundance of this lactase as they feed on their mother’s milk, but once puppies are weaned, the production of lactase decreases, which is when most dogs become lactose intolerant.

Even though there are now plant-based milks such as almond, oat, and soy, these are not good for a dog’s health either because they can contain a high amount of fat or because they can be full of artificial sweeteners that can poison a pet. In general, a vet should always be consulted before introducing any food to a dog’s diet, whether it is regular milk or a lactose-free milk alternative.